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2009년 크리스채니티 선정 다운로드 톱10 본문


2009년 크리스채니티 선정 다운로드 톱10

밝은터 2010. 1. 23. 12:07
무료는 아니지만 (10-20달러) 기독교관련 베스트 다운로드 프로그램 톱10

10. Strengthening Small Churches (소형교회를 위한 프로그램)—Training Theme
A smaller congregation presents its leaders with unique strengths and challenges. Learn from Moody professor John Koessler, pastor/blogger Chuck Warnock, and others.

9. Giving and Receiving Feedback (교인과 교회 스태프들의 피드백을 받고 평가를 할 수 있는 내용을 제공하는 프로그램)—Best Church Practices
A survey of your congregation can be eye-opening. But it's a lot of work to build—especially one that returns trustworthy responses. These forms can help.

8. Evangelistic and Newcomer Ministry (전도적 사역 및 새신자 사역과 관련된 프로그램)—Best Church Practices
Does your church have a good system for welcoming and following up with newcomers? Bolster it with these sample materials, along with the outreach strategies included.

7. Outreach to Young Adults(청년들 전도에 관한 프로그램)—Practical Ministry Skills
Young adults are leaving and avoiding our churches. How to reach them? These articles from Ed Stetzer, Scot McKnight, and others can help.

6. Engaging Everyone in Worship (예배에 많은 사람이 참여할 수 있도록 하는 내용)—Worship Essentials
Learn from Andy Crouch, songwriters Keith and Kristyn Getty, and others about drawing your congregation into worship.

5. Building a Culture of Discipleship (제자화를 위한 문화 형성에 대한 내용)—Training Theme
Help your church become a place where every member is taking on the task of discipleship.

4. Church Staff Evaluations (교회 스태프 평가)—Best Church Practices
Performance appraisals can guide and motivate your staff. Assemble yours with the help of these sample forms.

3. Church Job Descriptions (교회 역할에 대한 내용)—Best Church Practices
Get sample job descriptions for more than a dozen different church roles. People work better when the expectations for them are clear.

2. Elder/Deacon (장로/집사에 대한 내용)—Orientation Guide
Elders and deacons carry weighty responsibilities. These articles can help them grow in the areas most important for their roles.

1. Usher/Greeter (교회의 얼굴인 안내위원)—Orientation Guide
This long-standing favorite helps to equip the church worker that everyone sees.